Is Facebook still in PHP?

Is Facebook Still Developed in PHP?

PHP, short for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a scripting language used to create websites and web applications. It is one of the most popular programming languages on the web, used to power more than 80% of all websites. But, is Facebook still developed in PHP?

The answer is yes. Facebook is still developed in PHP, although the company has made some changes to the language and how it is used. Facebook first started using PHP in 2004 as the language of choice for its web platform. The company had developed its own version of the language, which was optimized for performance and security. Over the years, Facebook has continued to use PHP, although the company has made some changes to the language and how it is used.

For example, Facebook now utilizes the HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM), which is a virtual machine that compiles PHP into C++ code. This allows Facebook to run PHP code much faster, while also improving security. Additionally, Facebook has also developed its own version of PHP, known as Hack, which adds type safety and other features to the language.

Facebook also uses a variety of other technologies, such as React and GraphQL, in conjunction with PHP to power its web platform. These technologies are used in addition to PHP, but they do not replace it. PHP remains an important part of Facebook’s technology stack.

In conclusion, Facebook is still utilizing PHP as the language of choice for its web platform. While the company has made some modifications to the language and how it is used, PHP remains an integral part of Facebook’s technology stack.

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